If you live in any of Long Island’s busiest cities, then you know that noise can be a problem. Nuisance noises can come from both residents and businesses. You may wonder if you can take legal a...
602 Felicia: IN STUDIO, Young Artist Drawing & Painting (8 wks)
602 Felicia: IN STUDIO, Young Artist Drawing & Painting (8 wks) starting on 2020-07-12 00:00:00 Address:The Long Island Academy of Fine Art14 Glen St11542 Glen CoveUnited States...
101 Steve: IN STUDIO, Independent Projects (10 wks)
101 Steve: IN STUDIO, Independent Projects (10 wks) starting on 2020-06-29 00:00:00 Address:The Long Island Academy of Fine Art14 Glen St11542 Glen CoveUnited States...
Boomer Brothers- The James Thom Thing
Boomer Brothers- The James Thom Thing BOOMER BROTHERS With a background as diverse as New York City itself, The Boomer Brothers are a multifaceted band that really just want you to have a good time! A...
Performance Poets Group
Performance Poets Group Thursday July 09, 2020 7:00 PM Join us for Performance Poets Association, a non-profit organization that provides a forum for local Long Island artists and brings original poet...
Long Island Job Finder JOB FAIR
Long Island Job Finder JOB FAIR As businesses open back up and the economy gets going, the time is right to find that new job or new career. Come meet with many of Long Island's top companies̷...
101 Character & Comic Design
101 Character & Comic Design starting on 2020-07-06 00:00:00 Address:The Long Island Academy of Fine Art14 Glen St11542 Glen CoveUnited States...
102 Fantastic Places: Scenes & Sets
102 Fantastic Places: Scenes & Sets starting on 2020-07-06 00:00:00 Address:The Long Island Academy of Fine Art14 Glen St11542 Glen CoveUnited States...
It Takes a Village: Building a Community of Scholars
It Takes a Village: Building a Community of Scholars Culture and community are central to an understanding of the human endeavors and identities we have in the contemporary world. To appreciate the ...
Performance Poets Group
Performance Poets Group Thursday September 10, 2020 7:00 PM Join us for Performance Poets Association, a non-profit organization that provides a forum for local Long Island artists and brings original...