Employment Law

Have you been terminated from your job? Were you fired unjustly? If so, you may have grounds for a wrongful termination suit, and you need to contact a Long Island wrongful termination lawyer as soon as possible following your dismissal from your place of employment. Employees have rights, and if your rights were violated by your unjust and wrongful termination, you can be awarded monetary compensation. Siben & Siben, Long Island wrongful termination lawyers have been awarded more than a billion dollars in monetary awards for clients just like you – and you can be next!
What is Wrongful Termination?
Wrongful termination, under both federal law and the laws governing the state of New York, is illegal. Some reasons that a wrongful termination case can be brought include:
- Firing an employee due to discrimination of a legally protected status, including race, age, disability, sexual orientation, creed, ethnicity, and others. This includes the employee’s membership in any other group that is protected under the Equal Opportunity Employment provisions of federal law.
- Firing that is a result of retaliation against the employee. If an employer retaliates against an employee because the employee has filed a complaint against them for discrimination, that is also illegal. Employees have the right to seek justice against an employer who violates federal law by discrimination, and they should not fear losing their jobs because of it. A Long Island wrongful termination lawyer like Siben & Siben can help you to understand your rights under the law, the legal ramifications of your employer’s actions, and the remedies that you have available to you as an illegally and wrongfully terminated worker.
- Under whistleblower laws, employees also have a right to complain (without the fear of losing their jobs) about conditions at their workplace that are unethical, illegal, or dangerous. Even if you have not been terminated, if your employer has begun to treat you unfairly because of your complaints about their behavior or practices, the time to contact a Long Island unlawful termination lawyer is now.
- For those employees who are being offered buy-outs or severance pay, it is wise to consult with a Long Island wrongful termination lawyer before signing anything. In accepting these offers, you are giving up your job. It is crucial that you understand the consequences of accepting a buy-out. Siben & Siben has decades of experience in these tricky legal matters and can help you navigate the process.
Have you become the victim of sexual harassment? If so, you may have the legal grounds for a sexual harassment lawsuit. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegally to harass another person because of the person’s sex. Siben & Siben Long Island sexual harassment lawyers have successfully represented victims of sexual harassment in the past and can help you navigate the arduous process of filing a claim and negotiating with your harasser to be compensated for the damages that can result from this all too common form of harassment.
Forms of Sexual Harassment
Many people are unsure if the untoward behavior that they have experienced from another person constitutes sexual harassment. The truth is that the line between sketchy behavior and sexual harassment is very thin – and very interpretive. Incidences of sexual harassment can include:
- Unwanted sexual advances
- Requests for sexual favors
- Verbal harassment of a sexual nature
- Physical harassment of a sexual nature
- Making offense remarks about someone’s sex, such as making offensive comments to women about women “in general”
Sexual harassment is more common among women, with a man as the harasser, but men can be victims of sexual harassment, too. And the harasser and the victim can be of the same sex. Most generally, the harasser is the victim’s supervisor or coworker. Some forms of simple teasing, isolated non-serious incidents and off-hand comments are not considered sexual harassment under the law. But when sexual harassment is severe or frequent, the time to contact a Long Island sexual harassment lawyer is at hand. In many states, you have a mere 180 days to file a charge, although federal employees have only 45 days. Waiting too long to report the incident can cause your claim to be invalid.
If you know (or even suspect) that you are being sexually harassed, contact your Long Island sexual harassment lawyer Siben & Siben right away. We have won over a billion dollars in monetary compensation for our clients and we can help you preserve your rights under the law.