Immigration Law

If you have an immigration issue, you need to seek out the advice and assistance of a Long Island immigration lawyer, like Siben & Siben. Siben & Siben has historically represented both foreign nationals and U.S. employers in an array of different cases before the courts, including matters that must be addressed before the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service and INS. Legal matters that a Long Island immigration lawyer might be required for include:
- The process of becoming a U.S. citizen should be undertaken correctly and within the bounds of the rule of law. For those permanent residents who wish to apply for U.S. citizenship, the process of naturalization is much smoother with a competent Long Island immigration lawyer by your side. The process of naturalization is lengthy and ever-changing due to the current atmosphere regarding immigration and terrorism. Obtaining permanent residence is also a job for your immigration attorney. Foreign nationals can often obtain the permanent right to live in the U.S. through appropriate sponsorship by their employer or family. A seasoned Long Island immigration lawyer understands and can easily navigate the process.
- Obtaining asylum. For decades, the U.S. has become a welcoming sanctuary for the globe’s citizens who flee their homeland to escape persecution. The proper application of an application for asylum will bare more credence before an immigration judge or asylum officer if it is properly prepared by your Long Island immigration lawyer.
- Working in the U.S. and obtaining a work-related visa. Students, applicants for asylum, and those with other legal statuses can obtain a visa that allows them to seek employment in the U.S.
- File a widow’s petition. When a sponsoring family member passes away, new changes to the U.S. immigration law will allow their widows to obtain a green card.
These are just of the few immigration problems that an experienced immigration attorney can help you address. Siben & Siben is standing at the ready to help you address your immigration issue. We have a thorough knowledge of the ever-changing immigration laws of the U.S. and can stand up for you in a court of law as your Long Island immigration lawyer.