Wrongful Death Law

If your loved one or family member suffered fatal injuries during an accident, you need to contact Siben & Siben Long Island wrongful death lawyers as soon as possible. When the negligence or reckless actions of another leads to the death of someone you love, you have rights. The death of a loved one is devastating, and it is important that you know your rights if you have lost a loved one or family member due to a wrongful death accident.
Car accidents, pedestrian accidents, medical malpractice, faulty products, workplace accidents, and other types of accidents are just a few of the reasons that a wrongful death action can be brought about. Serious head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and brain injuries can also be the result of an accident and ultimately lead to a wrongful death. Attaining the services of a competent Long Island wrongful death lawyer such as those at the firm of Siben & Siben who understand the complexities of wrongful death litigation as soon as feasible following the death of your loved one can help you to secure retribution from the at-fault party and gain some closure of the ordeal you are undergoing.
Siben & Siben Long Island wrongful death lawyers can:
- Go up against the at-fault party’s legal team. An experienced attorney can handle the big insurance companies and fight for you to get you the compensation you deserve for your loved one. This award can be quite significant and is usually based in some part on the potential lifetime earnings of the departed, as well as your own trauma in losing the loved one prematurely. Oftentimes, a wrongful death attorney can negotiate a substantial award on your behalf without entering a courtroom.
- Deal with the intricacies of the wrongful death, including handling medical bills and more, so that you can focus on getting your life back together.
- Use their expertise to strengthen your case if it does go to trial. From taking pictures of the scene of death to interviewing witnesses and using investigative services to make your case stronger, a Siben & Siben Long Island wrongful death lawyers know what it takes to get your case amicably settled.
Please call or email us today for a Free Consultation.